Film Incentives in Colorado, 2012 is the year

In Blog, Denver Video Production, location, video, video production by JamesLeave a Comment

February 8th is a huge deal for filmmakers in Colorado. We’re looking to double our incentives… because frankly the film community here is in trouble. There are lots of wonderful people and talent waiting to be used, but the infrastructure isn’t here to help us build up a strong community.

Colorado is 46th out of 50 states in terms of film incentives… Years ago, when film incentives weren’t an issue, many Oscar winning films were made here, influenced by many of the greatest filmmakers ever, including John Ford, the man that practically single-handed made “western” filmmaking (not that Colorado is limited to that however).

In the past 4 years, ZERO films have taken advantage of the abysmal 10% incentive. And this is in a time when the best digital motion picture cameras are readily available everywhere! Additionally, there’s an incredible “brain drain” in Denver. Aside from the $2 million a year we’re pumping into educating new filmmakers that move to LA/NY because there’s no work here, there’s a large list of individuals that are on the verge of closure despite their exceptional skills and talents.

I’ve had conversations with a few BIG places in town that are considering shutting their doors if the incentives don’t go through. That would be tragic not only for the lost jobs, but for the trickle-down impact on all filmmakers, big or small.This is a big freaking deal.

So on February 8th, filmmakers, content creators, media professionals and local businesses will stand together to show the legislators just how huge these incentives are for our industry.

Why this year, never before?

There’s a big jaded community that are convinced that the incentives “will never go through”. To them I say… I feel your pain. I’ve watched year after year go by and felt the disappointment. BUT.

This. Year. Is. Unique.

We have several cards on the table that have YET to be played.

  • First and foremost, Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper SUPPORTS Colorado Film incentives. Read this! When former Governor Bill Ritter put his mind to Green Business, it happened. Hickenlooper is putting his mind to film incentives.
  • Second, our new Film Commissioner, Donald Zuckerman, has a big career of producing films in LA, NM, and beyond. He has an excellent plan with the incentives and methods to keep the money in Colorado. His background makes him the perfect man for the job. Long story short, we have an educated and forward-thinking leader.
  • Third, out of all the places we can place money, this one builds infrastructure for jobs in Colorado. We have no industry. Imagine having SOME industry. We’re not going to be LA or NM overnight, obviously. But imagine instead of NO big films, we have 3 or 5, or 7 reasonably sized indie films. Suddenly… the brain drain slows… staying in Colorado makes sense… a community begins to develop… The trickle down effect is gigantic in the filmmaking world. One bigger film paves the way for many various others. In a world where distribution is being put into the hands of the public, this is an excellent position for Colorado to develop. Not only that, but films impact local businesses in every direction. Truck drivers, gas stations, dry cleaners, art supply stores, hair salons, hotels, restaurants… on and on.
  • Fourth, Colorado is beautiful. Mountains, lakes, sand dunes, prairie, studios spaces, downtown, industrial… It’s all here. Look at what The Lord of the Rings trilogy did for New Zealand. Look at what Harry Potter (and many other films) do for tourism in London. Tourism has a chance to take a QUANTUM LEAP in Colorado by working with films to advertise the beauty here. Again, it’s not just dollars the films are spending here… trickle down effect. Standard accounting doesn’t show the immense impact that filmmaking has on more than just an immediate film. But make no mistake, the impact is gigantic.
  • Lastly, you. You are a part of this opportunity. Bring the passion. Show Colorado the necessity for this film incentive. Let’s educate them to help them realize the many benefits! They’ll be glad when it happens. SHOW UP on February 8th at 7:30am on the steps of the Capitol. Bring all of your friends, relatives, co-workers… everyone.

And building up to February 8th,tell everyone! Look at what Egypt did through social media!

It’s happening this year.

Official details here:

More information:

february 8th cinema day

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