A Film I DP’d on the RED One. “A young man struggles against his father who refuses to cope with the foreclosure of the family farm.” The American Dream. Developed and …
“Abandoned” Short
A quick piece about an abandoned farm in Eastern Colorado. This video is a part of my exploration in using wide lenses for video on the Canon 5D Mark ii. …
The Listen Foundation Promo video
[pro-player width=”640″ height=”360″]https://www.jdfnet.com/oldprojects/listenfoundation/listenfoundationfinal.flv[/pro-player] I had the opportunity to shoot a project with the Listen Foundation ( www.listenfoundation.org ). They have a phenomenal program helping hearing impaired children achieve normal lives …
Juarez, Mexico Mission Trip
Over Spring 2008, a great group of middle school students visited Juarez Mexico (during some of the drug dealer vs. Federales conflicts) I was honored to be asked to tag …